In Only A Few Minutes, Tragedy Can Happen While Swimming
June 28, 2019
In Only A Few Minutes, Tragedy Can Happen While Swimming “Children Drown in Silence” Those words are not just a slogan, they are reality. Members of the Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso gave a presentation yesterday to Associates about the harsh reality of infant and child deaths as a result of drowning. Parents, guardians, and families must always monitor children playing or swimming in water and remember to never leave children around water alone. Air-filled/foam toys are NOT safety devices. Some other tips that can help safe your child’s life are: Stay Close, Learn CPR, Learn How to Swim, and Install Safety Drain Covers. #UMC #UMCElPaso #ElPaso #Texas #915 #ItsAllGoodEP #Healthcare #Hospital #Clinic #WaterSafety #PoolSafety #DrowningPrevention #Summer2019 #BeatTheHeat #iCAREatUMC