Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso William W. Cowan III Memorial Scholarship
April 7, 2019
Drowning Prevention Coalition of El Paso William W. Cowan III Memorial Scholarship Application
Deadline April 15, 2019
This scholarship is awarded in memory of William W. Cowan III from the Drowning Prevention Coalition for his guidance and inspiration to the swimming community of El Paso, Texas. William W. Cowan III was a drowning prevention and water safety advocate who wanted children to have the opportunity to learn to swim in a safe and fun environment. He was Co-creator of the Gus and Goldie Learn to Swim Program, received the Public Recreation Man of the Year Award and was later inducted into El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame. Mr. Cowan served as El Paso Parks and Recreation Aquatics Superintendent for 24 years before retiring and in 2008 the Shawver Aquatic Center was re-named in his honor. Mr. Cowan passed away November 1, 2014. The College Scholarship will be awarded to one (1) high school senior on a one-time, non-renewable basis for $500.00 after proof of college registration has been provided. Scholarship Guidelines Applicants must be a high school senior graduating from an El Paso County School during the Spring 2019 award year and have met all graduation requirements as set forth by their attending School District and the State of Texas. Applicant has been accepted for enrollment by a College/University and plan to attend on a full time basis. (12 or more academic hours) Applicant has a cumulative overall grade point average of 2.5 or above. Applicant is a member of a: - Swim Team - Learn to Swim Instructor - Lifeguard - Involved in Water Safety/Drowning Prevention Activities.
Scholarship funds will be deposited with the college in the name of the Scholarship recipient Incomplete Applications will not be accepted.